2017 May Manila & Cavite
These are a series of programs that will be conducted in Manila and Cavite from 4-14 May 2017.
These programs are made possible and available due to the kind sponsorship and support of Mrs Ariniego and Family.
We sincerely thank them for their support.
Please contact us if you or your organisation are interested in any of the programs listed below.
1. Talk: Reforming Education to Meet the Needs of a Changing World
2. Sharing Session: My Experience as An Educator in Singapore (by Mr Aldrin Tee)
1. Talk: Reforming Education to Meet the Needs of a Changing World
Duration: ~3hrs including discussion time
Target Audience: Teachers, School Leaders, Parents, Education Policy Makers
Cost: Free
Brief: Philippines was once the most developed country in ASEAN. This talk and discussion session analyses data and convinces the audience why it is important to reform education in the Philippines; and shares ideas on how we can make it happen quickly!
- The Current Status of The Philippines with regards to ASEAN & the rest of the World
- Human Development Index (Social Progress)
- Global Competitiveness (Economic Progress)
- State of Education and Schools
- Ranking of Universities in the Philippines
- Societal and Economic Trends Around the World
- From the Industrial Age to the Modern Economy
- Opportunities afforded to everyone by the Internet
- Artificial Intelligence, Automation and its implications for future society.
- Educational Trends around the World
- Education Professional Development Frameworks and Trends
- Life-Long Learning in OECD Countries
- Learning with Technology/ Online Learning
- Customised Learning
- Specialised Curriculums
- Opportunities for the Philippines to Excel
- The UN's Sustainable Development Goal 4
- UNESCO's Education 2030
- ASEAN Integration and Education Goals
- Support from Filipinos around the world
- Support from Singapore
2. Sharing Session: My Experience as an Educator in Singapore by Mr Aldrin Tee
Duration: ~1.5 Hr with Q&A
Target Audience: Anyone and everyone
Cost: Free
Brief: Aldrin has led an interesting life. First as a school teacher in Singapore, then a year long sabbatical to countries such as Iran, Pakistan and Syria; living in Japan for 3 years, to doing education projects with Apple and Google, and finally running his own consulting firm. Who says those who can't, teach? Teachers can do tons if they want to!
- My Experiences as a
- University Undergraduate
- Trainee Teacher
- Government School Teacher
- Teaching in Schools with Specialised Curriculums: School for the Gifted & Talented, School of Science and Technology
- My Professional Development Journey
- Courses I've Attended
- My Research and Presentations in International Conferences/ Events
- Exchange Programmes with other Countries
- As an Education Consultant
- How I founded the Singapore Google Educators Group
- How I became part of the first batch of certified Apple Professional Development Consultants in Asia.
- How I started my own Consulting Firm: Think.Shift.Design.
- Q&A